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Purported 'iPhone 5' cases proliferate in China ahead of expected Sept. launch

Chinese case makers have begun distributing cases allegedly for Apple's next-generation iPhone, with one report calling the cases "everywhere in China."

Earlier this week a schematic emerged claiming to show Apple's new design for the so-called iPhone 5 M.I.C Gadget now reports that the alleged iPhone 5 cases are "everywhere in China now."

One vendor is selling the silicon cases on Chinese trade site for 2CNY ($0.31) each with a minimum order of 500 pieces. Similar to the images published earlier this week, the cases feature curved sides and locate the vibrate switch on the opposite side of last year's iPhone 4 design.

The case designs contradict some pre-existing rumors regarding Apple's next-generation smartphone. In May, parts (1, 2) allegedly for the fifth-generation iPhone suggested that Apple would move the camera flash away from the rear-camera. But, the cases being distributed in China place the flash component in the same location.

A number of reports had also suggested that the next iPhone would contain only "slight modifications" from the iPhone 4, with some calling the next device the "iPhone 4GS."

Chinese case manufacturers have in the past been the source of leaks of upcoming Apple products, such as the iPad 2. Last year, Foxconn reportedly became suspicious of the accuracy of leaked cases for the then-unreleased second-generation iPad and reported the issue to local police.

Last December, three Foxconn employees were arrested for allegedly leaking the design of the iPad 2 to accessory companies in China. This June, a court sentenced two former Foxconn employees and a manager at an accessories manufacturer and to prison terms. Court documents show that the employees were paid 20,000CNY ($3107) to provide advance digital images of the touchscreen tablet.

Apple is expected to introduce the next-generation iPhone this fall, with recent rumors pegging the launch for mid-September. The device is believed to include the new A5 processor, a dual-mode baseband chip and an 8-megapixel camera.


brutus009 14 Years · 356 comments

I had been very opposed to a larger phone, but then realized my right pocket doesn't need to hold anything else.

napoleon_phoneapart 18 Years · 550 comments

What's the cutout next to the camera opening for on the side of the phone?

netizen 14 Years · 2 comments

I mean, who would have thunk to use the Chinese obsession with image and status through "leaking" these iPhone 5 cases into the Chinese markets? You couldn't get better promotional bang for your buck! Now everyone with an iPhone 5 case in China is scratching their heads and wondering "What is the actual guts of this case really like?" They'll likely pay ANYTHING to buy the real thing. I knew that laughing Cheshire cat smile on Jobs in the photo was basically saying that.

ascii 20 Years · 5930 comments

What is the point of Apple expending many months of engineering effort to make the iPhone a few mil thinner, and of a tasteful design, if people just put a big thick Play Doh coloured case on it?

omo 15 Years · 29 comments

My guess:
This isn't the iPhone 5 (or 4s). This is the "future product transition" Opponheimer alluded to inthe latest Quarterly call.

They're transitioning the iPod Touch out of the iPod category and into the iOS category. Some other thoughts:
* it will be marketed as a new revutionary/magical device, and not an "iPad or iPhone lite" - perhaps with some sort of new iName. This also gives the device more "premium" cred than simply the latest version of an iPod touch or repurposed 3GS.
* it will be a true world device aimed at the huge market potential in china, etc, but as a new device, it will also be desirable in countries that already have iPhone, iPod touch, etc.
* purpose is all-in-one pocketable media, gaming, internet, cloud, and phone.
* slightly larger form factor (than iPhone) is better for gaming, movies, etc. The 'smaller, thinner, lighter' design trajectory will remain with the iphone line
* smaller than 7" tablet = more portable; Larger than iphone = better for some tasks & gaming, etc. A 4" retina display would look amazing!
* larger size also makes more room for more phone radios, battery, or other tech
* available in two versions (like iPad): wifi only or wifi+(global phone radios) for prepaid phone/data market; + VoIP
* with ios5, deep cloud integration, entire apple ecosystem...
* This will be the primary "global" phone/iPod device
** in US or other countries where iPhone currently exists, if you want thinner, smaller, premium smartphone, (and you have/want a traditional cell contract (ATT, Verizon, etc)) you get an iPhone.
** if you want a larger, more media focused, but still pocketabe device (with option for prepaid phone/data), you get this new device.
** doesnt directly cannibalize iPad bc they still serve two distinct purposes

* perhaps iPhone only gets minor refresh +A5 this year (like 4s, although I think they'll name it 5) so it doesn't overshadow the new device too much and can reuse many existing components and design . Also maintains some manufacturing stability/continuity and saves $$ (which theyll be spending to make as many of these new tjings as possible. Then the ip6 gets big update + LTE, etc

* Rev 1 will have A4 and maybe repurpose some 3GS and 4 parts (cameras, rocker volume button, etc) . This would save $$ (both in design and manufacturing bc the infrastructure is in place) and still leave Apple plenty of room to upgrade aspects in future years to drive more sales.
* iPhone still retains ultra premium status by getting latest A processors, maybe more ram, premium materials, etc.