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RIM admits it was behind 'Wake Up' mock protest

Last updated

BlackBerry maker Research in Motion on Monday admitted that it orchestrated the "Wake Up" flashmob protest that took place at a Sydney Apple Store, claiming that the stunt was part of a larger Australian campaign.

Previously thought to be Samsung's doing, the protest which included a flashmob dressed in black holding signs reading "Wake Up." is now confirmed to be a product of a viral campaign for the upcoming BlackBerry 10 mobile OS, reports The Age.

"We can confirm that the Australian 'Wake Up' campaign, which involves a series of experiential activities taking place across Sydney and Melbourne, was created by RIM Australia," the company said.

The marketing blitz has seen people dressed in the same black attire holding "Wake Up." signs standing outside a local news station for the past week as well as a recent Sydney Harbour sighting of a speedboat bearing the logo.

Static advertisements include numerous billboards and even a pool-bottom graphic at a Bondi Beach sports club.

RIM has also launched a website that features a countdown timer to BlackBerry 10's release. The company says a "reveal" will take place on May 7 that will "aim to provoke conversation on what 'being in business' means to Australians".

The "Wake Up" countdown website is now attributed to RIM's BlackBerry 10 launch campaign.

Many thought the ads belonged to Samsung as it has a history of ribbing iPhone users, though the company issued a statement last week denying any involvement.

"As a market leader in smartphones we think Australians have already woken up to the multitude of choices available, but kudos to whoever is behind the campaign," Samsung said in a statement.

It has also come to light that blogger Nate "Blunty" Burr, who originally released "footage" of the mock protest, has worked with RIM on previous projects.


tallest skil 15 Years · 43086 comments


The company says a "reveal" will take place on May 7 that will "aim to provoke conversation on what 'being in business' means to Australians".


Ah, they're going to try to convince Australians that "going bankrupt, being quickly abandoned, and existing without purpose, drive, or vision" now 'means' "being in business".

solsun 21 Years · 757 comments


Originally Posted by AppleInsider 

It has also come to light that blogger Nate "Blunty" Burr, who originally released "footage" of the mock protest, has worked with RIM on previous projects.


No one commented on my suspicion, but I called it.  :)


Read My post #136 of #182 in the original thread:

joelhk 13 Years · 1 comment

Of course the best way to mock the whole campaign is to ask the people who are participating what phones they have.

How many ofy of them would be using Blackberrys.


I have no sympathy for companies that fall behind. They have the same chances as any other company to innovate and make good products.


You had the product, but your time is over.


Does anyone actually believe Blackberrys will become a market force again.


Also, why picket Apple? Isn't Samsung the world's number one phone maker now?

fredaroony 15 Years · 619 comments


Originally Posted by SolipsismX 

Is amateur hour over again?


I think lame is a better description than amatuer. RIM have been/were a major player for years.