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Apple wins '' domain, still seeks '' & others

Last updated

Apple has won ownership over the domain name "" through arbitration, though the company still hopes to take control of many other domains, most prominently ""

The "" domain is one of a number that Apple hopes to seize to prevent users from mistakenly entering the wrong URL and being taken to a potentially nefarious or misleading website. Ownership of "" was granted to Apple through an arbitration process at the World Intellectual Property Organization, as noted by Domain Name Wire on Thursday.

The domain name was originally registered to a man in Poland who used it to display a website filled with advertisements.

Apple's victory was the first domain name the company won in a dispute so far this year. Last month, Apple earned ownership of "" through the WIPO, but that resolution did not require arbitration through the Uniform Domain Dispute Resolution Policy.

Apple also gained control of "," "," and "" this year after filing cases. All of those domains were also handed over by the original owners without a need for arbitration.

Apple currently has 13 total domains pending as cases with the organization, most notably "" Apple already owns "" and appropriately forwards users to its official iTunes download page, but "" is currently home to advertisements on a site that proclaims to offer "what you need, when you need it."

That same tagline is used by, an organization that is widely known for being a "cybersquatter," taking ownership of domain names associated with brands and products it does not own.

Other domain names still pending with the organization include "," "," "," "," and various potential misspellings of ""