A few days after Verizon launched its first-generation voice over LTE (VoLTE) system in the U.S., dubbed Advanced Calling 1.0, it was confirmed on Friday that Apple's latest iPhone 6 and 6 Plus models support the carrier's suite of services, including HD voice and video calling.
As noted on the U.S. carrier's website, Verizon's Advanced Calling 1.0 services suite went live nationwide on Sept. 15, bringing high-definition voice calling, simultaneous voice and data over LTE and video calling to compatible smartphones. First spotted by MacRumors and independently verified by AppleInsider, Apple's iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus support the new VoLTE network.
iPhone 6 owners take advantage of Advanced Calling 1.0 HD Voice and video calling by adding the free services to their account via Verizon's website. Once activated, the telecom informs users to navigate to the iPhone's Settings menu and select "Cellular > Enable LTE > Voice & Data" to turn on the feature.
With the added functionality, Verizon follows in the footsteps of T-Mobile and becomes the latest major U.S. telecom to offer advanced VoLTE services to iPhone customers.
In addition to VoLTE, the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus support Wi-Fi calling, a new iOS 8 feature that lets users place voice calls over Wi-Fi data networks. T-Mobile announced support for Wi-Fi calling in June, while AT&T promised its network will be compatible come 2015.
I just hope the f_cktards at AT&T get on the VoLTE bandwagon in 2015, as they say. And wi-fi calling would be huge. For me, anyway. Rarely get more than 2 or 3 bars, sometimes "No signal" where I live. (But I have a 50Mbps Comcast Xfininty cable internet pipe and Airport Extreme.)
Simultaneous iPhone voice and data, 7 years after AT&T started doing it.
[quote name="jd_in_sb" url="/t/182408/support-for-verizons-volte-hd-voice-and-video-calls-confirmed-for-iphone-6-iphone-6-plus#post_2602445"]Simultaneous iPhone voice and data, 7 years after AT&T started doing it.[/quote] Not quite a fair comparison since we're talking about CDMA v GSM. We can say that CDMA is king of shitty and archaic (even though CDMA voice on Verizon still much better than voice on AT&T's '3G'/'4G') but we really can't say Verizon was dragging their feet. On top of that, SV&D has been possible on Verizon's network for at least a couple years now providing you had enough antennas to make it work. The previous iPhones didn't.
jd_in_sb. Simultaneous iPhone voice and data has nothing to do with VoLTE. Ever notice your LTE wording changes to 4G when you get an incoming call? Pay attention then you'll know you are not on the LTE network when the phone call comes in. That means your network speed instantly drops from LTE to 4G, which is not LTE. What Verizon is enabling now is a pure VoLTE function. As long as an iPhone 6 or 6 is on the LTE network, the phone can handle both call/voice and data on LTE network. Read more about your 7 year old AT&T network here. http://www.lightreading.com/atandts-rinne-carriers-working-on-volte-interoperability/d/d-id/710746.
Simultaneous iPhone voice and data, 7 years after AT&T started doing it.