Apple on Thursday updated its iWork suite of apps for both iOS 9 and OS X 10.11 El Capitan, bringing new hardware support for iPhone 6s and iPad, including 3D Touch, tablet multitasking options, keyboard shortcuts for wireless accessories and more.
Pages, Numbers and Keynote all hit version 2.6 on iOS 9, while the same titles reached version 5.6 on OS X 10.11 El Capitan, each bringing enhancements specific to Apple's latest operating systems.
Among the more substantial improvements for iOS 9 is support for Slide Over, Split View and Picture in Picture multitasking on iPad Air 2, iPad mini 4 and the upcoming iPad Pro. The apps can also take advantage of the new shortcut bar in iOS 9, as well as keyboard shortcuts for wireless keyboards. On iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, iWork apps are now compatible with pressure-sensitive 3D Touch controls.
Other upgrades include the ability to open iWork '08 and '06 documents and preview shared documents via Web browser, while compatibility with Microsoft's Office suite has also been improved.
Accessibility features received a boost with new VoiceOver commands for editing documents and navigating each app's user interface. Enhancements include adding, editing, reading, interacting and previewing document items, or accessing various menu functions. An exhaustive list of features for all iWork apps can be found on Apple's dedicated What's New webpage.
On OS X 10.11 El Capitan, Pages, Numbers and Keynote bring support for Split View, Apple's new two-up viewing option. Newer MacBooks with Force Touch, or iMacs with Force Touch trackpads, receive haptic feedback when editing document assets like images, while additional VoiceOver commands add to the user experience. Like their corresponding iOS 9 apps, Mac versions of Pages, Numbers and Keynote can open iWork '08 and '06 documents. A full list of features can be found on each app's store page.
Existing users can download Apple's iWork updates for free via the iOS or Mac App Store. Pages, Numbers and Keynote for iOS come in at 275MB, 233MB and 510MB, respectively, while the same apps weigh in at 224MB, 166MB and 465MB on Mac. New users can purchase the apps on iOS for $9.99 each, or on Mac for $19.99 each.
And I'll wager that Pages still lacks linked text boxes so many (including me) are still stuck with the old version. And they killed Aperture. Not cool, Apple, not cool.
I might be wrong but don't you mean old users can buy them New users or buyers of new devices get offered them for free
So an ePub template for Pages... but no meaningful updates to iBooks Author for YEARS.
The heck, Apple?! If nothing else, could you at least give us the ability to add FOOTNOTES?! Footnotes. For a book. How hard is that? Maybe even an automatically populating index or glossary. That’d be really nice.
EDIT: WAIT, they brought back support for older versions of iWork files! Now I can cut my basement iMac out of my workflow when bringing forward old docs! Partially. Unless they’re ClarisWorks documents.
And no pivot tables for Numbers...
Anyone of you is having Mac App Store issues?
Mine is not loading at all.
I had to switch over to "Featured" and back and they showed up.
Also, I can't wait to read all the comments about how iWork sucks.
oops, too late.