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New research data shows iPhone at top of sales charts by vendor across most of the world

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New research data shows that Apple's iOS saw a significant sales percentage boost with the release of the iPhone 7 family, with year-over-year sales growth in a three-month measurement period ending in October.

In the US, iPhone sales grew 7 percentage points year-over-year in a period measured from Aug.1 to Oct. 31, from 33.5 percent of smartphone sales to 40.5 percent in the three months ending October 2016, according to Kantar Worldpanel. This represents the strongest rate of growth seen by the analysts for iOS in more than two years, as well as the highest share seen since the three months ending January 2015.

Android remains the dominant mobile OS in the US, holding 57.9 percent of smartphone sales — but falling. The data collected by Kantar represents the fifth consecutive year-over-year period decline for Android.

Other notable highlights for the report include the fact that the iPhone 7 family was in the top 10 smartphones sold in all regions of the world but Spain. Specifically, in the U.K., the iPhone 7 was the top-selling device, with the iPhone 6s coming in second, and the iPhone SE third.

Apple remains in the lead in Japan, with iPhones claiming 51.7 percent of all smartphone sales.

The lack of a headphone jack appears to not have been an issue for U.S. consumers, with the iPhone 7 garnering 10.6 percent of smartphone sales, despite only being available for one month out of three in the survey period, and then with constrained availability. The iPhone 6s held second place, with the Galaxy S7 in third, and the iPhone 7 Plus in fourth.

The iPhone 7 was the second-best selling phone in urban China in the evaluation period, capturing 3.8 percent of smartphone sales, with the iPhone 7 Plus in the top 10, grabbing 1.9 percent. Android still holds 82.6 percent of the market in China, with iOS devices hitting 17.1 percent of sales in total. Local vendors Xiaomi and Oppo hit 15.9 percent and 11.8 percent, respectively.

"The apparent lopsided market share figures are not a reason for doubting the strength or future of the position held by Apple's iOS," said Kantar Worldpanel ComTech Consumer Insight director Lauren Guenveur. "While Android dominates in terms of the raw number of devices it powers, Apple remains the most desirable smartphone brand in the world."