Certain models and colors of the iPhone 11 Pro are already selling out and Apple's estimated delivery times are being pushed further back into October.
Within 45 minutes of pre-orders being made available, the new iPhone range was already beginning to sell out. Certain colors and capacities of the iPhone 11 Pro, in particular, were the first to see their estimated delivery dates slip from September 20 into October.
Apple's online store is offering the new phones in a total of 38 different varieties, ranging from colors to storage capacities and either unlocked or with particular carriers.
The first variety to see delivery dates slip to between October 4 and October 11 were the 256GB iPhone 11 Pro in Space Gray and Midnight Green.
Then iPhones that are locked to any of the supported US Carriers, such as AT&T, appear to be selling faster than unlocked ones.
While the situation is of course continually changing, it appears that if you want to get your iPhone 11 Pro on its September 20 release date, the best color to pick is gold. Currently you can get any capacity iPhone 11 Pro, locked or unlocked, on September 20 if it's gold.
Your article states, "
The timestamp on my order is 7:10 a.m. CDT (actually less than 10 minutes before I could actually place an order on Apple.com; site was saying final updates were in progress). I ordered an iPhone 11 Pro, Space Gray, 256 MB, and the delivery window is October 1 - October 4.
I got in at 5:04 am and my delivery date was already Oct 1 but my pickup date in Sept 20, so I’ll go and get mine. Of course the clear case isn’t going to be ready for pickup until Oct 1, go figure. I also ordered my Otterbox Strata case this morning and they list an Oct 1 date.
After buying a half-dozen iPhones over the last decade, I just can't get excited about them anymore. My home is brimming with Apple products and I haven't even watched the latest keynote yet. I think I'm burned out...or getting older...or getting wiser...or a combination thereof.