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Apple tells European developers to contact DHL over problem DTK returns

Developer Transition Kit

Last updated

Developers in Europe who have had problems returning their Apple Silicon Developer Transition Kits to Apple have now been advised how to resolve some of the issues.

Following a number of difficulties concerning parcel firm DHL failing to collect Developer Transition Kits from developers in the EU, Apple is publicizing a hotline. Alongside previous details in the Apple Developer Forums about returning the DTK, Apple has now added more information specifically for European developers.

"If you're located in Europe, have an updated address, and are encountering issues returning your DTK, please call DHL EKAS directly at +353 61 365580," Apple says. "Let them know that you're calling regarding your Mac mini collection and provide your Web Order Number prefixed with 'DTK.'"

Updating addresses appear to have been one of the main issues causing problems. Developers who have moved since receiving their DTK found that DHL was not accepting their new addresses.

The reference to the Mac mini in the instructions is because the Developer Transition Kit utilized the chassis of that machine. Apple requires developers to return the DTK now that Apple Silicon M1 Macs are publicly available, and is offering a $500 discount for the return.

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1 Comment

nicksaintjohn 10 Years · 8 comments

Anyone in the UK, not wanting to call an Irish number - call 0800 279 8067, and ask for Adam (he’s the guys dealing with Apple DTK returns). He’s very helpful, and changed my address on the spot.

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