An ad for the new Power Macintosh G4 that shipped as an insert in the current issue of Newsweek was recently brought to our attention. The advertisement confirms both pre- and post-announcement reports that suggested Apple had originally planned to debut Yikes! in 400 and 450MHz configurations, but changed its mind at the very last minute.
As shown in the image below, Apple clearly planned to offer 4 configurations of the new Power Macintosh G4. The lower end configurations were both to be Yikes! (or Yosemite) -based systems with PCI Graphics.
Rumor has it that, as part of common practice in the advertising industry, Apple subbmitted this ad toNewsweek prior to the announcement of the new Systems and therefore it is somewhat outdated.
In a related piece of news, rumor has it that (internally) there is still no official word on when Sawtooth units will be ready for production. According to the statements made during Steve Jobs' keynote address, 450MHz Sawtooth units should have begun shipping around this time, though all indications from Apple, including the Apple Online Store, are reflecting dates of a month from now, at the earliest.