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Apple accuses Proview of 'misleading Chinese courts' over iPad name

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In its most detailed public statement regarding the ongoing Proview iPad trademark dispute, Apple on Tuesday said that the Chinese company is purposely misleading courts in order to recoup massive debt and stave off impatient creditors.

A prepared statement read by Apple spokesperson Carolyn Wu alleges that Proview International Holding Ltd. fashioned the sale of the iPad name so that ownership of the Chinese trademark could later be questioned in court, and accuses the Hong Kong-based company of unfairly seeking more money for the same transaction, reports the Wall Street Journal.

"Proview clearly made that arrangement so they wouldn't have to give the money to their creditors in" mainland China, Wu said. "Because they still owe a lot of people a lot of money, they are now unfairly trying to get more from Apple for a trademark we already paid for."

Proview's Shenzhen arm, which is asserting ownership of the trademark, has accrued an estimated $400 million in debt after being part of a lucrative display-manufacturing business. At its peak Proview had 18,000 employees under its purview, though the global financial crisis has slowly edged the company toward bankruptcy.

Apple purchased the rights to the "iPAD" moniker in 2009 through a Taiwan affiliate of Proview, with the contract covering trademarks registered in a number of countries including two in China. At the time, the name was technically owned by Proview's Shenzhen subsidiary, Proview Technology Shenzhen Co.

Wu claims that Apple was urged to purchase the rights, but "didn't know the reasons at the time" as to why the deal had to be made through Proview's Taiwan affiliate.

In October 2010, Proview threatened to take legal action against Apple, claiming that the 2009 "global trademark" agreement did not include China. The Chinese company went on to pursue litigation against Apple in multiple courts, including a suit in California, claiming that it still owned the name.

Making the matter more confusing are fraud and unfair competition allegations from Proview claiming that Apple conducted its fair share of chicanery in buying the trademark through a U.K.-based proxy company for a reported $55,000.

Proview's attorney Xiao Caiyuan denies Apple's Tuesday claims and believes the computer giant knew exactly what it was doing.

"The fact is that Apple's former lawyer made a silly mistake," Xiao said. "Proview still thinks both sides can solve the dispute by peaceful talks."

The case continues to drag on in the shadow of the release of Apple's newest iPad, and is currently being argued in China's high court in Guangdong.


wardc 14 Years · 150 comments

Originally Posted by AppleInsider

Proview's attorney Xiao Caiyuan denies Apple's Tuesday claims and believes the computer giant knew exactly what it was doing.

"The fact is that Apple's former lawyer made a silly mistake," Xiao said. "Proview still thinks both sides can solve the dispute by peaceful talks."

Yeah, "Peaceful Talks"...right...more like a "Peaceful Billion-dollar settlement"

jessi 14 Years · 302 comments

It's a silly mistake to be defrauded by a subsidiary? A silly mistake to think that executives of the CHINESE company were not liable for the assertions they made on behalf of the Hong Kong company? Really?

This is outright fraud, and pretty obviously so.

If the Chinese courts rule against Apple, then we know Chinese courts are corrupt.

IF they are just, ProView will end up with another creditor they owe in Apple, and of course, Apple will get the trademark clear.

solipsismx 14 Years · 19562 comments

Originally Posted by Jessi

It's a silly mistake to be defrauded by a subsidiary? A silly mistake to think that executives of the CHINESE company were not liable for the assertions they made on behalf of the Hong Kong company? Really?

This is outright fraud, and pretty obviously so.

If the Chinese courts rule against Apple, then we know Chinese courts are corrupt.

IF they are just, ProView will end up with another creditor they owe in Apple, and of course, Apple will get the trademark clear.

Assuming merits of the case and honesty are off the table, if it's about pride then Proview might win, but if it's about money (which I think it is) Apple will win. Apple does more for China in a week than Proview ever has*.
* This last statement is not meant to be taken literally and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

wardc 14 Years · 150 comments

It is all about a moniker, and all Proview sees is $$$$ -- they just want to milk the cow, which is Apple, for all the cash they can.

i am a zither zather zuzz 13 Years · 1563 comments

Originally Posted by AppleInsider

Apple purchased the rights to the "iPAD" moniker in 2009 through a Taiwan affiliate of Proview, with the contract covering trademarks registered in a number of countries including two in China. At the time, the name was technically owned by Proview's Shenzhen subsidiary, Proview Technology Shenzhen Co.

That is quite a "technicality" - They bought the trademark from a company which did not own it.

"The fact is that Apple's former lawyer made a silly mistake,"

Sounds more like legal malpractice to me.