With newly-delivered Apple Watch units now on the wrists of the lucky, users will undoubtedly be looking to try out the best launch-day apps for their latest purchase. AppleInsider offers a roundup of some prominent and essential launch-day apps, divided by category.
AppleInsider and Partners
Messaging & Social Networking
Travel & Weather
SPG: Starwood Hotels & Resorts
Eating & Nutrition
Shopping & Restaurants
News & Utilities
Some look good, but looks like a lot of crap in there as well.
Some of these are going to kill the battery.. from 18 hours down to 2 hours. lol Especially GAMES
It's basically useless
A Chipotle app that helps me shop at Chipotle made your Best list? The selection of day-one apps is *that* bad?
Thisi s mondo sad, folks. What we are seeing is the extremely limited capability of the instrument itself. And, there is nothing the instrument does that the iPhone doesn't do way better because of size, visibility, and all the other reasons we all know too well. I think what we are seeing is "the King's new clothes" all over again. Indeed the battery usage will diminish according to usage but I honestly cannot see playing a game on a wrist-based instrument. AND, how easy is the screen to see in broad daylight?!!? This is exceptionally disappointing.