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15\" PowerBook Missing from Microcenter Ads

Information regarding the forthcoming upgrades to Apple's PowerBook line has been chewed up and spit out the bottom of the rumors industry several times already. Quite frankly, we have little desire to rehash old, and our own, information. It's becoming redundant and quite boring. However, a reader submits the following tip affirming the more than minor revisions to the 15" model:

The latest Microcenter ad (which has prices good through 8/31/2003) currently has all the iBooks, eMacs, iMacs, pre-orders for G5's, 12" Powerbook, and 17" Powerbook...No mention in the entire ad to the 15" powerbook, but in their store they don't list the 15" PB as clearance yet (their display atleast in the Cleveland, OH store is an 800Mhz version).

AppleInsider sources have also confirmed hearing the August 19th introduction date for PowerBook-line upgrades. However, it is unclear as to the spoken origin of the date and it cannot be traced back to any reliable form of Apple management or marketing branch. Next week is likely for an introduction, but the time-frame is highly dependent on Apple's OEM partners keeping their promises. After the prolonged delay, the computer maker fears a pre-mature introduction that could cause additional backlash if they start taking orders and cannot deliver. The current 17" configuration of the PowerBook G4 was End-Of-Lifed (EOL) almost two weeks ago. This model should be revamped with a 1.3GHz PowerPC 7457 G4.