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Apple's new MacBook and MacBook Pro torn down (photos)

Apple parts reseller iFixIt has just completed its photo disassemblies of the new MacBook and MacBook Pro, and notes that the design of both machines are largely inspired by the MacBook Air, with the 13-inch model structurally resembling a 13-inch version of the new MacBook Pro.

MacBook Pro Disassembly Guide

As part of its 15-inch MacBook Pro disassembly, iFixIt noted that:

  • Upgrading the RAM and hard drive is very easy, but you do need a Torx screwdriver to replace the hard drive (noted yesterday).
  • Contrary to some fears, the keyboard in the MacBook Pro is user-serviceable. It's a fair amount of work to remove (you have to remove 56 screws).
  • The AirPort and Bluetooth boards are in the display assembly. The AirPort card is user-serviceable, while the Bluetooth board is not.

The MacBook Pro with its battery cover and base cover removed.
MacBook Pro
The MacBook Pro's stacked memory slots sit just above the battery bay.
MacBook Pro
Peeling back the MacBook Pro's chicklet keyboard .
MacBook Pro
Removing the lower display bezel reveals the AirPort card.
MacBook Pro
This is what the AirPort card looks like.
MacBook Pro
The MacBook Pros precision logic board.
MacBook Pro
An exploded view of the innards of the new MacBook Pro.

MacBook Disassembly Guide

As for the 13-inch MacBook, iFixIt notes that:

  • The new MacBook is really a 13" MacBook Pro. It uses the same design, and same manufacturing quality. Bridging the gap between consumer and professional model.
  • The Superdrive is the same in the MacBook and MacBook Pro.
  • We showed the parts to some industrial engineers familiar with manufacturing processes. Overall, they were extremely impressed by the build quality of the machine and the cutting edge mass-produced unibody.
MacBook Pro
The MacBook's logic board is tiny.
MacBook Pro
A closer look at the MacBook's logic board.
MacBook Pro
The MacBook's display module detached.
MacBook Pro
A semi-exploded view of the MacBook.

A big thanks to the guys over at iFixIt for sharing their photos and disassembly work with AppleInsider readers.

For more photos, full disassembly instructions, and additional comments and observations, please see the full version of iFixIt's guides:

Watch the Latest from AppleInsider TV

MacBook Disassembly Guide

MacBook Pro Disassembly Guide

Unboxing and comparison photos

Don't forget to check out AppleInsider's own unboxing and comparison photos, also published Thursday.

High-quality photo comparison: the new unibody MacBooks

High-quality unboxing photos: late 2008 13" MacBook

High-quality unboxing photos: late 2008 15" MacBook Pro


eauvive 17 Years · 239 comments

Pretty impressive, the logic board of the MacBook is minimal and crowded. It seems there was no place for FireWire anyway.

Nobody has mentioned the fan. Is it noisy? How are the processor and the chipset cooled?

robb01 17 Years · 146 comments

Looks pretty nice


mstone 19 Years · 11503 comments

Originally Posted by EauVive

Pretty impressive, the logic board of the MacBook is minimal and crowded. It seems there was no place for FireWire anyway.

What do you call that last inch of space after the other ports? This space intentionally left blank.

themoonisdown09 17 Years · 64 comments

Originally Posted by mstone

What do you call that last inch of space after the other ports? This space intentionally left blank.

I don't see an inch of space after the other ports on the Macbook.