To commemorate the Turkish Children's Day holiday, Tim Cook highlighted the creation of art by a student in Istanbul, created on the iPad with an Apple Pencil.
Monday is Children's Day, a national holiday in the nation of Turkey, and in honor of the occasion Apple CEO Tim Cook has Tweeted the creation of a child from Istanbul. The ads first aired last week on Apple's regional YouTube channel.
It's Children's Day in Turkey! Thanks to 13-year-old zgn Asya from Istanbul for this colorful self-portrait, created on iPad using Apple Pencil.
— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) April 23, 2018
The clip highlighted by Cook, and others in the ad series, depicts the creation of the self-portraits. The caption reads, according to Google Translate, "I painted myself with my favorite flowers. These flowers are cherry flowers."
In addition to its ties to Turkey, Cook is showcasing the latest iPad and Apple Pencil and its utility to children, as emphasized by the company at its "Field Trip" event in Chicago last month.
Children's Day was established in 1929 by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Turkish Republic, in order to emphasize that the future of Turkey's sovereignty lies in that of the children.
Apple and Turkey
Apple has acknowledged Children's Day in past years. In 2017, the company unveiled both Shot on iPhone commercials that aired in Turkey, while Cook also tweeted about a kid-themed billboard in that country.
Apple products are available in Turkey, and Apple runs a pair of Apple stores in Istanbul.
In 2016 Mehmet Simsek, Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister, wrote on Twitter that "Apple should move to Turkey," in order to escape the European Union, at a time when Apple's tax arrangements in Ireland were under scrutiny. Simsek's tweet also promised that his government would be "happy to provide more generous tax incentives" than what was available in the EU. It doesn't appear that Apple ever publicly responded to the offer.
Stuff like this is why I love Apple. They are green too.
"In 2016 Mehmet Simsek, Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister, wrote on Twitter that "Apple should move to Turkey
I assume Mr Simsek knows that Turkey has been trying to JOIN THE EU since the late 90s. It's only because of their recent poor human-rights record and a shift to autocratic rule that they've been knocked back.