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First phase of Apple Park return to work set for June 15

Last updated

Apple this week notified employees that it will soon begin the slow process of bringing staff back to Apple Park and other offices following California's coronavirus lockdown, characterizing the initial return as "very limited" in scope.

According to a staff memo obtained by Bloomberg, Apple intends to start the so-called "phase one" process on June 15 with a relatively small number of essential employees.

To minimize contact between potential COVID-19 carriers, in-office schedules are staggered and building occupancy will be restricted, the report said.

The company underscored return to work safety procedures that were outlined in a report last week. Returning staff must wear masks at both Apple Park and Infinite Loop headquarters, undergo temperature and daily health checks when they arrive, and practice social distancing while at work.

Apple in its letter "strongly encouraged" employees to take a provided on-site or at-home coronavirus swab test prior to returning to work. Last week's report noted Apple would offer employees a nasal swab test to screen for the virus.

While phase one of Apple's return to work initiative officially begins next week, a handful of deemed-essential workers have already begun trickling in to join employees who remained at work through the crisis. Bloomberg said certain staff members, including hardware and software engineers, returned in May. Certain senior executives are also back at work.

For Apple office outside of Silicon Valley, the so-called phase one schedule began in May, the report said.

Apple plans to present employees with more information about the phased return in the coming months.