The first batch of stories collected by the #AppleToo movement has been published by the internal Apple organization, giving a glimpse at the company's internal work environment.
#AppleToo organizer Cher Scarlett published the stories on Medium Monday. There are five personal anecdotes of harassment and discrimination in the first #AppleToo digest.
"This will be the first set of stories to be shared," Scarlett wrote. "I have selected the stories based on the common threads to prove a systemic issue that needs to be addressed."
Among the stories are specific recollections of harassment incidents, as well as more systemic problems.
The Apple employee organization said earlier in August that it had collected nearly 500 instances of workplace discrimination or harassment since calling on current and former staffers to share their stories.
Scarlett, who was involved in the creation of the #AppleToo movement, recently said that she is being accused of "ruining" Apple for her work in the organization. The #AppleToo movement was formed earlier in August with the goal of exposing patterns of racism, sexism, inequality, and other abuses within the Cupertino tech giant.
“Stories” That sounds about right!
This is a potential hornets nest of PII spills that are just begging for lawsuits. Does this organization have a law firm on retention? I think they’re gonna need one.