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Three Apple Watch sizes may arrive in 2022

Last updated

Apple may introduce a third size to its Apple Watch lineup next year, with the "Apple Watch Series 8" receiving the biggest display to date.

An analyst has suggested that Apple may further expand its Apple Watch offerings next year, tweeting that he believes that the Apple Watch may receive a third, larger size.

Ross Young, CEO of Display Supply Chain Consultants, tells fans, "Don't be surprised if there are 3 sizes next year..." However, Young does not say what the third size could be.

Until now, all Apple Watch models have been offered in two sizes, a "small" and a "large." The Apple Watch Series 7, for example, is available in 41mm and 45mm configurations.

Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has also weighed in on what features he believes will be available in the "Apple Watch Series 8." Kuo has said that he believes it will include new health management features in 2022, such as the ability to monitor a user's body temperature.


melgross 21 Years · 33631 comments

It’s interesting that when the Watch first came out, the small 38mm size was thought to be very good for people with small wrists, such as women and children. But now, the small watch is 41mm, just one mm smaller than the large watch was that year. Do people no longer care about a small watch? With the much larger screens over the years, I would think that even a 36mm model would have a screen noticeably larger than the first 38mm version.

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dk49 10 Years · 287 comments

What the heck! 44mm already looks huge on most people's wrist (including many men). A larger watch will look hilariously bad on most people. 

beowulfschmidt 13 Years · 2370 comments

Maybe it won't be a larger size, but a return to the 38mm form factor.  Not sure how that would affect some of the new sensors that have been mentioned as possibilities.

kdupuis77 16 Years · 160 comments

melgross said:
It’s interesting that when the Watch first came out, the small 38mm size was thought to be very good for people with small wrists, such as women and children. But now, the small watch is 41mm, just one mm smaller than the large watch was that year. Do people no longer care about a small watch? With the much larger screens over the years, I would think that even a 36mm model would have a screen noticeably larger than the first 38mm version.

Screen size ≠ watch chassis size. Though the newest “small” Apple Watch is 41mm, that is reference to its near bezel-less display on Series 7. I believe the watch body itself is only marginally larger. 

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