Fresh from being spotted on Sunday at the annual Coachella music and arts festival in California, Tim Cook is already in India on a tour taking in the new Apple stores.
Coachella and Apple go back a long way, and this weekend, Cook took the 476 mile trip from Apple Park to be there. He just then immediately took an approximately 8,700 mile trip to be in Mumbai on Monday.
Thanks @madhuridixit for introducing me to my very first Vada Pav — it was delicious!
— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) April 17, 2023
Vada Pav is a vegetarian fast food dish, like a potato fritter, from Maharashtra, the Indian state that includes Mumbai. Cook's dining companion is actor Madhuri Dixit Nene, who with her husband has met Cook before.
Just hours before meeting with her, Cook was photographed at the Coachella festival in Indio, California.
Tim Cook coachella
— wiqwales (@wiqwhalez) April 17, 2023
: #TimCook
In most of the very many shots of Cook at Coachella this year — and last year, too — he's carrying a water bottle. It's a music festival and he's on water — which might be how he can look so fresh after what's typically a 22-hour flight from California to Mumbai.
Cook's tour is centered on the opening of Apple's first two Apple Stores in India ever, and as well as taking in the local foods, he's using the trip to meet with the country's Prime Minister.
I can hear it now! “Hey hey, ho ho, old Tim Cook has got to go” “Hey hey, ho ho...”
If you are both an Apple hater AND a Tim cook hater does this mean you are even loonier than you think?
When you said Cook “zoomed” from Coachella to India, my brain immediately thought Zoom call and wondered why it was news and why he didn’t FaceTime.
Oh you mean zoomed as in travelled really fast.
Is India celebrating exceeding China to be the most populous nation in the world this month? Does this mark the beginning of China 2.0?
I’d rather be Mel Brooks.
Indeed. I wonder how many Mel Brooks’ movies would survive the modern thought police if they were tried to be made today? That very scene for example.
anyway, a variant: “while you are the king you live like a king, because one day you won’t be”