Analyst Brian White with Ticonderoga Securities issued a note to investors on Thursday from the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. He noted that there has been a rising interest in near-field communications (NFC) at this year's show.
White said that his sources have indicated to him that the next iPhone will include NFC technology. However, Apple's approach will reportedly have "a twist that will make it unique versus his peers." White did not give any indication as to what the "twist" could be.
He did note that earlier this week, it was revealed that the forthcoming Samsung Galaxy S II will feature NFC technology, while he said Google has pushed RFID as technology that "has the opportunity to revolutionize electronic commerce and payments." But the rumor would suggest that Apple is looking to offer more than an e-wallet for payment processing at retail stores.
Last November, one rumor claimed that Apple could use NFC technology in both its future iPhones and Macs to allow RFID-enabled "remote computing." It was said the rumored technology would allow users to securely turn a nearby Mac into their own personal computer, complete with custom settings, personal passwords, and even desktop backgrounds.
Apple has also filed patents related to NFC technology, including one discovered last July which would allow users to obtain information about a range of products wirelessly and instantly. Examples of potential uses for the service, called "Products+," included obtaining information about a product to receiving promotions and coupons.
The Cupertino, Calif.-based iPhone maker has also hired experts on near-field communications, and was even rumored to be testing iPhone models with RFID chips as recently as August.
Also in his note issued on Thursday, White noted that Softbank has issued all 20,000 of its employees both an iPhone and iPad from Apple. He said the news is "a sign of things to come across enterprises," predicting further corporate adoption of Apple's iOS devices.
Yes. It will also include Steve's own RDF.
Another shocker: Apple innovating.
But seriously when I saw the rumors of an iPhone nano or mini I thought, what's the point? Then, as I was planning what to take on a trip abroad, my iPhone or iPad or both, it struck me. When traveling, the smaller iPhone would be the perfect companion to an iPad. Especially if they could be linked in some way. Otherwise you are carrying around functions in both devices that are largely duplicative. You don't really want a phone in your iPad, but a linked little buddy that makes calls but has a little screen would be a perfect companion. You have the iPad for your big screen-needing functions.
Last November, one rumor claimed that Apple could use NFC technology in both its future iPhones and Macs to allow RFID-enabled "remote computing." It was said the rumored technology would allow users to securely turn a nearby Mac into their own personal computer, complete with custom settings, personal passwords, and even desktop backgrounds.
This can be done and it is done in research environments! I hope Apple introduces this system to the mass market. Pinch of salt: look for distances less than 20-30cm.
Memos going out today from the CEOs at Google, MSFT, Motorola, HTC, Samsung et. al:
"Order new copiers."
Another shocker: Apple innovating.
But seriously when I saw the rumors of an iPhone nano or mini I thought, what's the point? Then, as I was planning what to take on a trip abroad, my iPhone or iPad or both, it struck me. When traveling, the smaller iPhone would be the perfect companion to an iPad. Especially if they could be linked in some way. Otherwise you are carrying around functions in both devices that are largely duplicative. You don't really want a phone in your iPad, but a linked little buddy that makes calls but has a little screen would be a perfect companion. You have the iPad for your big screen-needing functions.
This was one of the things that interested me about HP's future offerings....
Not really the tap to transfer thing, although you can throw that in if you want, but being able to get texts/calls on your tablet from your phone without having to say, take it out of your pocket or go pick it up off the charger at home, etc.
I mean it would be up to someone else to see what all you can do with that interoperability, but I could easily envision people buying tablet/phone as a combo if the integration between the devices offered enough added value.
That seems like great motivation for companies to get that right and make it a selling point that enables you to sell 2 devices rather than one.
Right now I'd like to bet on Apple being the ones to get that right (HP just has a toe in the door IMO, because that Pre isn't up to snuff) But I can't be sure.
Makes all the sense in the world though. Hopefully iOS 5....