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New iPad mini print ads highlight Newsstand, portability

Apple rolled out a clever print campaign for its iPad mini on Tuesday, with the new ads showcasing the tablet's small size by reproducing the cover of the magazine in which the spot is running on what appears to be an actual size representation of the device.

The ad was first spotted in the latest issue of Time Magazine and posted to Reddit by user "Royale-w-Cheese" (via TUAW). In usual Apple fashion, the advertisement is simple and contains a lone iPad mini in the bottom right corner of the page.

Besides some legal print and the "iPad mini" logo, the usually crammed glossy page is left completely blank, highlighting the space saved with the 7.9-inch tablet. Driving the point home is a sized-down version of the cover image, this month's issue being titled "What to eat now," displayed on the iPad's screen.

Not only does the ad successfully get across the message that the mini offers a comparable reading experience in a smaller package, but also subtly hints at some of the content available in Newsstand. Time is one of many major publications on sale through Apple's digital periodical store, which could explain how the company managed to place the magazine's cover on its product.

An identical version of the spot also ran in the most recent New Yorker, and featured the same layout with the magazine's cover displayed on the iPad.


curtis hannah 13 Years · 1834 comments

Showing you another way to read, funny move.

aquatica 13 Years · 1 comment

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ifij775 13 Years · 470 comments

This is a great ad, which portends the end of print publication of magazines and newspapers. Paper is so over...