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AppleInsider podcast discusses OS X Photos, Apple Watch news & net neutrality

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This week's all-new AppleInsider podcast is now available to download and subscribe in iTunes or SoundCloud, with detailed analysis of this week's news, including the beta release of Photos for OS X, an inside look at the Apple Watch companion app, and discussion of Apple's mysterious camera-equipped vehicles.

This week, AppleInsider staff member members Daniel Eran Dilger, Victor Marks and Stephen Robles discuss the top stories:

  • New Photos app beta for OS X
  • Apple Watch companion app
  • Tom Wheeler's proposal to the FCC
  • Apple testing mysterious camera-equipped vehicles
  • Neil Young's Pono Player
  • Samsung Galaxy S6 teaser
  • The show is available on Apple's iTunes. You can listen to the podcast and subscribe via this link:

    You can also listen to it embedded via SoundCloud below:

    Show note links:

    We'd appreciate your feedback and comments, as well as any questions that we can answer on future episodes. Send your responses to the AppleInsider Podcast at or follow or tweet at us @appleinsider.


    pmz 16 Years · 3429 comments

    Flickr sycning? Really? The Photos app is brilliant. It fits perfectly with today's products. Photos on the Mac, iPhone, and iPad is meant to be a viewer for all of your photos. Who the hell are these people that say, "I wish it was more complicated and clunky like it used to be, where nothing is in sync and I get to (have to) choose what it is in the cloud. No real human beings want that. They want what Apple has delivered. All their Photos. Everywhere. Without manual effort. Its finally there. If its not what you want, and you don't "get it" than acknowledge that what you want is something inferior and quiet down. Or go educate yourself on what makes the most sense. Don't tell me about Aperture. I don't care. Aperture was a dog, just like iPhoto, and an imitation pro-photo app. I die laughing at the so-called "pro" photographers that slobber over the forums with their Aperture hoorah. Newsflash: If you use Aperture, you are not a pro photographer. You are an imitator, and the worst kind. Especially if you now MOAN about its discontinuation in favor of a better Photo viewer app. You people are so funny. Apple knows how many people use Aperture, and every app. When that number becomes pathetically low, they stop development on the app, and focus development on the broader market. Applause Apple. You do what makes sense, and not what idiot bloggers think you should do. Photos is for iPhone Photography. The single most popular Photography on the planet. If you need semi-pro edits, use Photos...or Lightroom. Doesn't matter. If you know what you're doing, both can accomplish it. If you need pro-editing, use Photoshop. Its the best in class for actual pro editing. It always has been and always will be. Oh but thats right, you're not ACTUALLY pros, so can't afford/justify using a professional editing suite. Got it.

    wigby 16 Years · 692 comments

    Originally Posted by pmz 

    Flickr sycning? Really?

    The Photos app is brilliant. It fits perfectly with today's products. Photos on the Mac, iPhone, and iPad is meant to be a viewer for all of your photos.

    Who the hell are these people that say, "I wish it was more complicated and clunky like it used to be, where nothing is in sync and I get to (have to) choose what it is in the cloud.

    No real human beings want that. They want what Apple has delivered. All their Photos. Everywhere. Without manual effort. Its finally there.

    If its not what you want, and you don't "get it" than acknowledge that what you want is something inferior and quiet down. Or go educate yourself on what makes the most sense.

    Don't tell me about Aperture. I don't care. Aperture was a dog, just like iPhoto, and an imitation pro-photo app.

    I die laughing at the so-called "pro" photographers that slobber over the forums with their Aperture hoorah.

    Newsflash: If you use Aperture, you are not a pro photographer. You are an imitator, and the worst kind. Especially if you now MOAN about its discontinuation in favor of a better Photo viewer app.

    You people are so funny. Apple knows how many people use Aperture, and every app. When that number becomes pathetically low, they stop development on the app, and focus development on the broader market. Applause Apple. You do what makes sense, and not what idiot bloggers think you should do.

    Photos is for iPhone Photography. The single most popular Photography on the planet.

    If you need semi-pro edits, use Photos...or Lightroom. Doesn't matter. If you know what you're doing, both can accomplish it.

    If you need pro-editing, use Photoshop. Its the best in class for actual pro editing. It always has been and always will be.

    Oh but thats right, you're not ACTUALLY pros, so can't afford/justify using a professional editing suite.

    Got it.

    I was going to listen to entire podcast before responding but you sound like a fool from your sweeping statements. Millions continue to use Aperture. Some are pros and some are not. Same as Lightroom and Photoshop. Apple has been shifting closer to consumers for the past 10 years but they have a long way to go before they abandon pro users. Just look at Logic Pro. Before last week all the whiners said Apple was out of the pro audio business and then they released Logic update so those people all shut up. Apple is secretive about hardware and software mores than any other company so everything you think about their plans and yours could change the next morning.


    Since Apple is forcing a migration away from Aperture, Photos will create a real question for all kinds of customers. Same thing happened when Apple shifted away from Final Cut Pro. Everyone got pissy like you and said that they were neglecting the pro users and then when FCPX came out, everyone called it iMovie and a toy. Well they were wrong. So are you. I use all of these programs. I am a pro. I also use both a DSLR and iPhone for pro work. Aperture was/is great but I will be  checking out Photos and hopefully it will be enough for me.

    pmz 16 Years · 3429 comments

    Originally Posted by wigby 

    I was going to listen to entire podcast before responding but you sound like a fool from your sweeping statements. Millions continue to use Aperture. Some are pros and some are not. Same as Lightroom and Photoshop. Apple has been shifting closer to consumers for the past 10 years but they have a long way to go before they abandon pro users. Just look at Logic Pro. Before last week all the whiners said Apple was out of the pro audio business and then they released Logic update so those people all shut up. Apple is secretive about hardware and software mores than any other company so everything you think about their plans and yours could change the next morning.


    Since Apple is forcing a migration away from Aperture, Photos will create a real question for all kinds of customers. Same thing happened when Apple shifted away from Final Cut Pro. Everyone got pissy like you and said that they were neglecting the pro users and then when FCPX came out, everyone called it iMovie and a toy. Well they were wrong. So are you. I use all of these programs. I am a pro. I also use both a DSLR and iPhone for pro work. Aperture was/is great but I will be  checking out Photos and hopefully it will be enough for me.

    What the hell are you talking about? I'm being intentionally condescending toward the people whining about Aperture's discontinuation. It is an imitation pro-editing App, and if the usage of the program warranted continued development, it would still exist.


    Stop comparing it to Logic or Final Cut. Apple still offers current modern interactions of both. And they never stopped doing so. 


    Aperture is dead in the water, and they are not going to waste efforts on pro-photo when they have never really done it well to begin with.

    thewhitefalcon 11 Years · 4444 comments

    We're really this upset over a photo program?


    If it's so important, get an older version and run your photo editing on an older Mac you don't update, should compatibility be broken in a later OS X version.

    adrayven 13 Years · 460 comments

    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon 

    We're really this upset over a photo program?


    If it's so important, get an older version and run your photo editing on an older Mac you don't update, should compatibility be broken in a later OS X version.


    No kidding, completely agree. Some people, LOL!