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Texas boy's 31 cheeseburger order demonstrates why you should secure your iPhone

A Texas mother ended up with 31 McDonald's cheeseburgers after her two-year-old son got a hold of her iPhone and ordered the food via DoorDash.

Kelsey Burkhalter Golden recounted the incident on Facebook Monday, posting an image of her son next to the small mountain of burgers. She joked that she has "31 free cheeseburgers from McDonald's if anyone is interested"

"Apparently my 2 yr old knows how to order DoorDash," the woman added.

Other Facebook users in the comments also shared their own stories about random purchases made by their young children. One commenter said their child ordered three iPhones, while another said they know a kid who once ordered the entire NBA league pass.

But, all these sagas could have been avoided had the users configured the parental controls on their devices. For years, Apple has provided a host of mechanisms to prevent an unauthorized user from ordering 31 cheeseburgers, racking up thousands of dollars in in-app purchases, and more.

For instance, Apple users who want to avoid their kids making random purchases can set parent controls on their iPhone and iPad devices. Users can also set the default payment method on DoorDash to Apple Pay, which requires a Face ID scan before purchases can be made.


JinTech 10 Years · 1070 comments

Hopefully, most of those cheeseburgers went to the homeless.

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Eric_in_CT 9 Years · 105 comments

They story I saw said she was able to give them to families & neighbors.  They weren't wasted.

I would've done the same after eating the first 27 or so..



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dewme 11 Years · 5828 comments

Smart kid? Yes. Stupid parent? Absolutely.

Another case where a 2-year-old teaches his parent an important life lesson. Paying for adult stupidity with 31 cheeseburgers may be something to joke about. But the reason behind why it was allowed to occur is not a joke. I hope this parent does a much better job securing power tools, weapons, vehicles, chemicals, appliances, access to swimming pool, etc.

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Appleish 9 Years · 724 comments

This is why Apple should be broken up and vigorously regulated! /s

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chadbag 14 Years · 2029 comments

I am interested in how the iOS parental controls would have prevented this. My understanding is that the kid had the mom's phone, not his own, and I don't think parents are meant to put parental controls on their own phones.  

Now, faceID with Apple Pay for payment makes sense in this case.  And generally locking the phone when not in use 

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