Apple moves to open-source, unify Swift component across platforms
Apple has made the build system in its high-level programming language Swift — used by llbuild, the Swift Package Manager and Swift Playground — officially open source.
Apple has made the build system in its high-level programming language Swift — used by llbuild, the Swift Package Manager and Swift Playground — officially open source.
Apple has profiled three of the "Distinguished Winners" of its 2024 Swift Student Challenge, with apps covering care, extreme sports, and breathing exercises.
Apple has started to accept entries to the Swift Student Challenge for 2024, with a top prize of a trip to Apple Park up for grabs.
Apple is launching the 2024 Swift Student Challenge, featuring a new category for 50 Distinguished Winners, in its ongoing effort to empower students in the world of coding and app development.
The winners of Apple's 2023 Swift Student Challenge have been announced, with their projects spanning health, sports, and science, demonstrating their creative use of coding skills to make a positive impact on others and the environment.
Apple has released an update to Swift Playgrounds, offering an updated iPad interface and new lessons focusing on Machine Learning.
Apple has highlighted three of the 350 winners of the Swift Student Challenge who are using their coding abilities to solve problems in their communities.
Ahead of WWDC 2022, winners of the Apple Swift Student Challenge are starting to receive their free souvenirs, AirPods Pro, and other gifts for winning the annual coding contest.
Apple has updated Swift Playgrounds to version 4.1, with the latest release enabling users to build Mac apps using SwiftUI, as well as new content for both macOS and iPadOS versions.
Apple has released an updated beta version of its programming tool, Swift Playgrounds, for both Mac and iPad, but developers have to apply to get it.
Apple has released Swift Playgrounds 4, the newest version of its development app with support for creating apps directly on an iPad.
Apple's wide spectrum of developer tools are getting a series of major upgrades to help coders build better, faster code more quickly, in addition to providing collaborative features to help development teams work together more effectively. The result: more, better apps for end users.
While it isn't quite the full-fledged Xcode on iPad that some developers have been clamoring for, Apple on Monday announced that Swift Playgrounds in iPadOS 15 will be greatly enhanced, teaching users how to build iPad apps and even allowing them to be submitted to the App Store.
Apple has profiled three winners of its Swift Student Challenge for WWDC 2021, featuring three women who created apps and projects to help people live their lives, as well as to learn to create their own apps.
Apple has opened up its Swift Student Challenge as part of WWDC 2021, with students able to win prizes for creating a Swift Playgrounds experience.
Apple now offers more educational tools for Swift educators and students in Canada, including new resources for Everyone Can Code and Develop in Swift.
Apple on Thursday announced a new set of tools and resources for teachers and students as part of its Swift coding education initiatives.
Apple on Thursday once again highlighted some of the winning projects from its annual Swift Student Challenge.
The 350 winning students in Apple's Swift Student Challenge coding contest are starting to get their prizes, a WWDC 2020 jacket, and the annual set of Apple icon pins.
Apple has highlighted three of its Swift Student Challenge winners, just under a week before the 2020 WWDC begins.
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