An unconfirmed report in Digitimes claims that Apple is advising its suppliers that it will be producing in excess of 100 million of the next iPhone, a rise of around a fifth over 2019's estimates.
Apple has previously been reported to be expecting to sell 80 million 5G iPhones in 2020. However,, Apple has allegedly advised its supply chain that it is forecasting a sharp rise in demand for the 5G iPhones that it is due to release in September 2020.
Specifically, Digitimes says that sources within the Taiwanese supply chain, have been told to expect Apple will sell 100 million of the new iPhones.
Also according to Digitimes, Apple has been expecting to sell between 70 and 80 million of the 2019 range of the iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max.
It's true that the iPhone 11, in particular, has been selling well. However, Digitimes has a particularly mixed track record when it comes to hardware sources.
Recently, it claimed that Apple had abandoned its AR glasses project and then had to walk that back.
Apple has yet to officially reveal that 5G will be included in the 2020 iPhones, although Qualcomm has hinted at it. The technology is expected to impact the manufacturing cost of the iPhones, but it's expected that despite being late to 5G, these next iPhones will become market leaders.
At least 3 kinds of iPhone buyers. First say I need to upgrade to iPhone because I need it now and until wide spread 5G is available in place I live, work and commute, don’t care to wait 5G iPhone. 2nd kind of people says I waited for 5G iPhone so I will upgrade to soon as 5G iPhone is available and if 5G not available than hopefully in next year or two 5G will be available in my area. Just future proof purchase. And I am among such people. So, 100M 5G iPhone buyers world wide is possible.
Perhaps a cheap 4.5G SE early next year followed by a 5G refresh. It's not unreasonable to think some people are holding off now for the new design and 5G.
More reliable LTE is plenty.
As I sit here, I am dealign with my second service outage from AT&T in two work days. I have nearly zero connectivity, and AT&T tells us nothing is wrong. It affects all AT&T customers at my workplace. On Friday, we were out for 5 hours. This started a few hours ago. Regardless of what Apple releases, I don't have much hope for true 5G anytime int he next several years. They can't even manage their fake 5Ge network.