See how much Apple's campus design has changed in 30 years
A new set of images from an architecture firm prove that Apple's campus designs have changed as much as the design of its actual products.
A new set of images from an architecture firm prove that Apple's campus designs have changed as much as the design of its actual products.
Apple has reportedly set April 11, 2022, as the date its staff in the US have to return to Apple Park, and other offices.
You've been around Apple for a long time, so you know to expect bugs, but probably not worms. It's fair to say that Apple's December 2021 contained some ups and downs.
AppleInsider publishes thousands and thousands of articles each year, and 2021 was no exception. Of all of the news stories and other posts, here are the five most-read items from the last 12 months.
At last we got the much-awaited iPhone 13 range, the somewhat unexpected iPad mini 6, and very nearly the Apple Watch Series 7. And Apple got more legal and more staff woes.
French media were recently given a tour of Apple Park, the iPhone maker's Cupertino headquarters, which served as a background for conversations with members of Apple's senior management.
One again, as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Apple has pushed back its timetable for a return to Apple Park for workers — but this time, it has not set a deadline.
On the AppleInsider podcast this week, your hosts highlight our favorite iPhone apps, and discuss Apple's 2022 device roadmap, while Apple's design team reveals images from inside Apple Park.
Previously unseen images of the interior of Apple Park have now been revealed by the company's design team, as they discuss working in the iconic building.
Apple has told its corporate employees that they should expect to return to in-office work by Feb. 1, 2022, according to an internal company memo.
Apple will reportedly ask all of its employees to provide their vaccination status in an effort to better inform its Covid-19 policies, but it isn't mandating the reporting or vaccination in general.
Apple has reportedly stopped attempts to create an internal Slack channel dedicated to the discussion of pay equity, with the measure coming as employees begin to organize around a number of claimed workplace issues.
Apple's teams working on iCloud, AI, and Health, are apparently seeing more employees departing the company, according to a report, with a lack of optimism and Apple's back-to-office strategy alluded to be reasons behind the staff shrinkage.
An internal Slack channel discussing Apple's remote working plans is under threat as the company is to enforce its rule limiting channels to specific project work.
Apple CEO Tim Cook recently met with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez at Apple Park to discuss Spain's "digital transformation" and other topics.
Apple has commissioned an artist and design studio to create a permanent public sculpture at the Apple Park Visitor Center containing sand from deserts across the world.
Apple has postponed plans to bring employees back to the office, according to a report on Monday, with the company now expected to hold off on in-person work until at least October due to a COVID-19 surge.
Some Apple staffers are continuing to push for more flexible work arrangements and remote options by sending a new internal letter to company executives.
Apple's need to hire the best and brightest people to its workforce has been a challenge, with the high cost of living in the San Francisco Bay Area apparently pushing the iPhone maker to embrace decentralization.
Many Apple employees want the ability to work from home and are concerned about colleagues leaving if in-office work is required, according to an internal survey designed by staffers.
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